Italian Neuroscientist Head Transplant

Although this article is not perfectly aligned with my theme for this blog, I thought it was too interesting not to share. Plus, neither the doctor nor patient in this story are United States citizens so it kind of works -- right?

Italian neuroscientist, Dr. Sergio Canavero, recently announced that he will perform the world's first head transplant late this year. Yes, I said head transplant. According to CBS, Dr. Canavero has been planning this surgery for years. He has successfully practiced his transplant on mice and has published several papers in Surgical Neurology International. He has, only recently, found a human patient to volunteer for the transplant.

Valery Spiridonov (pictured left) suffers from Werdnig-Hoffman Disease, a terminal disease that is slowly eating away at his muscles and nerve cells. His body is shriveled, weak, and confined to a wheelchair. There is no known treatment for Werdnig-Hoffman disease, so Spiridonov hopes that Dr. Canavero can give him a new body before this disease takes his life.

Dr. Canavero has partnered with Chinese surgeon, Dr. Xiaoping Ren, and together, they are actively searching for a family that is willing to donate a body. The procedure calls for a brain-dead male patient and once found, the doctors will move forward and set the body up for decapitation.

The doctors estimate that this procedure will cost upwards of $10,000,000 and promise a 90% success rate. However, clearly, this surgery is controversial. Many are extremely disturbed and many medical professionals argue that it will not work. Arthur Caplan, the head of medical ethics at NYU Langone Medical Center is quoted saying, "It is both rotten scientifically and lousy ethically". Although I'm intrigued, I would have to agree.

If a donor is found, the surgery is expected to take place in China. This procedure will likely be prohibited from taking place in the United States and other European countries, due to ethical concerns.

I don't have the heart to go into the very gory details about the surgery, as reading more will have you holding onto your neck. However, if you really want to learn more about the decapitation, feel free to read about it here. I warned you, though.


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